about Shika no fune

This building was originally built as a private residence during the Taisho period (1912–1926). It was occupied by the Naramachi Promotion Center, an organization established to preserve the old townscape and promote international cultural exchange, in 1995. It was popular among locals for a long time and was eventually incorporated into a new project launched to continue promoting the development of Naramachi – Shika no fune, a building complex founded around a tourist information.
We not only offer typical assistance to visitors but also organize various activities in order to convey the charm of Naramachi, where the traditional lifestyle still exists.
About the name and logo
The name portrays this building as a large vessel (fune) and its visitors as deer (shika).
Here you can immerse yourself in and study a number of things, gain new experiences that will guide you through your life.
We hope that Shika no fune is like a vessel that carries people and precious things to their next destination.